Bathe your home in the aroma of your favourite flower with Garden Diffusers
The language of flowers speaks to us all. The charm of flowers lies in part in their impermanence. Their fleeting presence intensifies our enjoyment, and for those fleeting flowers we so adore — sweet-smelling wisteria, English lavender, delicate lily of the valley, English rose and healing wild iris — their ephemeral scents have been sensitively captured in our Diffuser collection, a low maintenance home scenting solution that mimics the abundance of inspiriting smells one finds in a garden.
Each of these flowers carry powerful symbolism within their fragrant DNA: Wisteria, of the pea family, can live more than a hundred years. It symbolises long life and immortality. English lavender has for centuries represented purity, silence, devotion, serenity and grace. Its colour is associated with the crown chakra, said to bring higher purpose and spiritual connectivity.
Delicate lily of the valley has long been considered lucky, symbolising purity, rebirth and humility, while rose symbolises peace and the iris is linked to the potential for growth and beauty from suffering, representing wisdom, hope, trust and valour.
What could be more delicious than feeling the imprint of such beloved floral fragrances drifting through the home? Transport your soul to the meadow garden of your dreams, inhale deeply, allow them to soothe and create a sense of peace in the place you call home.
Discover the Garden Diffuser collection here and in store.